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Xentum Wellbeing

We support high-achieving individuals by introducing the value and benefits of a quiet mind through small private events and retreats.

“A quiet mind cures all” – Robert A Burton

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At Xentum, we know each moment is a gift…

… and to experience each moment to its fullest, first, we must be aware of our thinking and its impact on our lives.​

Have you ever considered how your thoughts about your current situation can affect your life? Sometimes,  negative thinking or limiting beliefs can prevent us from living the life we truly desire. It can be difficult to make plans that align with our values and live authentically when we are held back by these thoughts.  The daily challenges we face can distract us from what is most important, leaving us unclear about what we really want and need to be happy.

A  happy life is easy once we understand it comes as a by-product of a quiet mind.

We sat with this for a while and wanted to find a way to give a relaxed introduction to this idea, and maybe even help our clients experience it first-hand. We decided the best way was to hold intimate one-day events, private weekend retreats and other online and in-person workshops; a series of experiences which introduce you to a new perspective on thoughts and how they impact your daily life.  We wanted to create spaces for you to have insights into the way you think and offer you an opportunity for a more peaceful outlook on your life and mind. So we did.


Insights lead to action and action leads to change.

Xentum Wellbeing Experiences

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1-Day Escapes

Relax and spend the day with us at Moss Wood. These days of peaceful discussion, about thoughts and their influence over our daily life, are the perfect opportunity to learn how you can live a more calm and simple life effortlessly.

Dates coming soon.


Learn More About 1-Day Escapes
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3-Day Retreats

Our 3-day retreats elevate your learning and awareness to a new space through deeper relaxation and calm. Set in nature these retreats are a rare opportunity to hang up the hats you wear throughout the week, relax and focus on yourself. How can we be at our best if we don’t take time ourselves? This is your time to enjoy and reflect on you.

Contact us for more information.

Learn More About 3-Day Retreats
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In-Person & Online Workshops

Our online and in-person workshops are additional, special events where you can focus your energy on a particular topic or follow up on the topics from our 1-day escapes.

Contact us for more information

Other Services & Opportunities

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Raise Your Awareness

The first step along any path is understanding why to walk it.

So what path could you walk down with Xentum?

It starts with raising your awareness,  understanding what you think, why you think it, and the effect it causes in your life.

One way we try to help raise your awareness is through online content. An exciting content page is coming soon.

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Enjoy Experiences 

Once you know why, let’s take the time to know how.

Gently changing what you understand about your thoughts can quickly inspire positive change in your life and the lives of those around you.   Using your new awareness as the starting point, you can nurture a quiet mind and thus a more simple fulfilled life.

Our relaxed, informal events are the perfect opportunity to learn more about why and experience how.  Follow the link below for more information.

Enjoy Experiences
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Seek Guidance

Once we know how, ask who can help.

We know that making a plan is never easy, especially alone or with people closest to you.  Let us guide you through the process of making the most authentic plan which works best for you and your loved ones, through our coaching and family advocacy roles.

Follow the link to find out more.

Ask For Guidance
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Xentum Wellbeing


“Don’t waste time thinking about it take a step closer and get to know them”  – Chris Buckley (COO) – Bulmer Leisure

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